Sunday, January 29, 2012

reference_information.txt file

Get Specific events within date range with icalbuddy
icalbuddy -sc -f eventsFrom:'November 28, 2011' to:'December 2, 2011'

käme es mir gelegen = es wäre gut für mich.

How do I put GRUB into the boot sector of a partition instead of putting it in the MBR via grub-install?
grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/hdb
boot sector = 448 bytes - 2 equal bytes at the end = 446=bs
partition table info = 46 bytes after boot sector
Totaling to bs=512 count=1

tar -jxf for tar.bz2
hdiutil for conversion img and dmg
hdiutil convert source.img/iso -format UDRW -o output.dmg/***
hdiutil convert some.dmg -format UDTO -o some.dd
optional: conv=sync,noerror

The MBR consists of _three_ parts, not two:

1. The first 446 bytes contain the boot loader.
2. The next 64 bytes contain the partition table (4 entries, each 16 bytes).
3. The last 2 bytes contain the identifier 0xAA55 (or 0x55AA, I forgot).

To copy the boot loader only, one *must* use "bs=446". To copy the partition table only, one must use "bs=1 skip=446 count=64".
To exclude the partition table count=1 bs=446
The Hackintosh Bootloader (GUID or FDisk partition schemes)
typically placed in the boot code secion of MBR for a darwin-only system. On some systems, it may not be installed and an alternative primary boot manager (which has its own code) such as LILO may be used.

goes in the boot section (first .5KB) of a HFS+ partition, and has enough code to parse an HFS+ volume header, find the extents associated with the "HFS+ Startup File" and load it.

Boot is what is reffered to by the Startup File extents for a HFS+ volume. This is the second-stage loader which is in charge of presenting the list of bootable3 volumes, and if applicatble, loading a kernel + extensions from the filesystem. (cdboot is a modified version of boot for use on CDs)

For a standalone sing-partition HFS install, you would ideally have:
A) boot0 - in the MBR, LILO, or GRUB
B) boot1h - in the first 512-bytes of the HFS+ partition
C) boot - pointed to by the HFS+ Startup File

To install boot0 in the MBR
dd if=/path/to/file/boot0 of=dev/diskX bs=400 count=1

To install boot1h in the bootsector
dd if=/path/to/file/boot1h of=dev/diskXsY bs=512 count=1

To set the HFS+ Startup File
/path/to/file/startupfiletool /dev/rdiskXsY /path/to/file/boot

It is convetional to install boot0, boot1h, and boot to /usr/standalone/i386

In addition, if you are using a FDisk partition scheme, you must set the boot partition of the disk active.
fdisk -e /dev/rdiskX
Ignore the error "fdisk: could not open MBR file..."
p "varifies partition"
f 1 "set partition active"
w "write to partition"
y (yes you are sure)
exit (to quit)

update latex files with sudo mktexlsr

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